EJGE/Magazine Feature

Geotechnical Quotes

Quote of the Millennium

From 1964 ASCE Settlement Conference


Ahmed Hosny

Excavation in progress!
...Web pages are always "under construction" -- mostly by people who don't have any idea what construction is. Here's one who knows!

Watch your step - Excavation in progress!

From Ahmed Hosny's web pages (at Tulane U., Louisiana)
Ahmed Hosny

Fraser Bransby

Definition of Soil Mechanics:
...Making a mud pie or a sand castle or leaving footprints in a muddy field or on a beach is soil mechanics.

From Fraser Bransby's web pages at Cambridge, UK[mfb@eng.cam.ac.uk] ... and back home in Western Australia Dr Bransby has some new additions there (a must see).

Igor Krstelj

Igor presents... "Best wife and friend man has ever had!"
(He put his dog's picture there, but not his own... Now that's friendship!)

From Igor Krstelj's home page (at Princeton)
Igor Krstelj

Dave Doolin

I have found that interactive computing is not at all the same as *productive* computing. I don't want to interact with a computer through GUI menus (the mouse maze); I prefer to interact with my wife!

From Dave Doolin's home page (at Univ. of Tennessee)
Dave Doolin

Will Manion

We spend more time working for our labor-saving machines than they do working for us.

From Will Manion's home page (at Univ. of Maine CE dept)
Will Manion

Wout Broere

When in danger - or in doubt,run in circles,- scream and shout.

Wout Broere, from the page:
Wout Broere [w.broere@ct.tudelft.nl]

Charles John Winter

"...Currently, I am pursuing a Masters degree in Geotechnical Engineering, where I have already discovered that...

Dirt is the finest stuff on the face of the earth."

Chuck Winter, U Wisconsin, from the page: Charles John Winter [charlesw@caelab1.cae.wisc.edu]

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Posted: 1/5/97

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