iGEM presents...
Portraits of Geotechnical Engineers
In this corner we are presenting to you the "Portraits" of exceptional geotechnical engineers working in various parts of the world to make life better for all of us. This is to celebrate their exceptional personal traits as directed to the good of others through professional practice as geotechnical engineers.
The selection of the persons to be included in this area is done by the general membership of the World Wide Web of Geotechnical Engineers, W3G.
The criteria for selection to be included in the Portraits corner are
- Exceptional abilities, talents, and positive energy, demonstrated by a performance record
- Exceptional success as a professional
- Exceptional contributions to the profession
Here are the Portraits:
- Suzanne Lacasse,
the Director of NGI,- G. Wayne Clough,
the President of Georgia Institute of Technology.- Priscilla Nelson,
Past President of Geo-Institute, and
First President of American Rock Mechanics Association.- Ufuk Ergun
Co-founder and Past President of TSSMGE, and
inductee in the geotechnical engineering hall of fame.Their biographies are now available in the Internet Geotechnical Engineering Magazine
Your suggestions are most welcome. All W3G members are invited to contribute.
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