The following story came attached to an e-mail message from Ms. Nelson of NSF:

 From:    Priscilla Nelson  on 03/15/2000 08:13 AM EST
 cc:      (bcc: Mete Oner)
 Subject: E-mail "News"


10. You have had to respond "yes" to the question, "What have you got in here, rocks?"

9. You have taken a fully-loaded 15-passenger van over "roads" that were really intended only for cattle.

8. You have found yourself trying to explain to airport security that a rock hammer isn't really a weapon.

7. Your rock garden is located inside your house.

6. You have hung a picture using a Brunton as a level.

5. Your collection of beer cans and/or bottles rivals the size of your rock collection.

4. You consider a recent event to be anything that has happened in the last hundred thousand years.

3. Your photos include people only for scale and you have more pictures of your rock hammer and lens cap than of your family.

2. You have been on field trips that included scheduled stops at gravel pits and/or a 7-11 store that sells beer (preferably gravel pits just down the road from the store).

And the #1 sign you might be a geologist:
1. You have ever uttered the phrase have you tried licking it? with no connotation involved.