RFC-G List of W3G

The World Wide Web of Geotechnical Engineers

Last Revision: April 2001

This document is a list of Request For Comments for Geotechnical Engineering, the RFC-Gxxx group of documents for the members of the World Wide Web of Geotechnical Engineers. It has been prepared and posted at the Geotech Server in order to keep track of the developments and provide a fixed point of reference for all members.

This document can be accessed using the URL http://geotech.civen.okstate.edu/W3G/

The Geotechnical RFC's

ID number Date Title Author
RFC-G001 (obsolete) October 1996 Formation of W3G on the WebM. Oner and D. Melland
RFC-G002 January 1998 Call for Geotech-XML, GMLM. Oner
RFC-G101 September 1998 Forms a GML Steering/Working GroupM. Oner
RFC-G102 March 2001 GML Core Working DraftJ. D. McPhail
RFC-G103 April 2001GML Core Proposed RecommendationJ. D. McPhail and M. Oner