EJGE/Magazine Feature Letters to GVL/EJGE
More recent ones are at the top. These are the comments received in 1995-96 period only. We do not publish letters any more--there are too many of them! Thank you all for your encouragement and ideas!
- After a 12 hour day spent enduring the sound of a mufferless Mobil Drill B40, stepping into liquefied sand/mud up to my a**, arguing with a grading contractor and meeting with a geogrid manufacturer's sales "engineers," and finally sending out invoices and returning calls, it was a pleasure to have a sip of bourbon, surf the net and stumble onto your delightful personal web page [It's at /People/Him.htm --Ed.] Thanks for the Emerson and Kelly Bundy inspiration. Oh yeh, by the way, I just suscribed to the ejge journal. How do I get my company in the catalog of companies? [Just ask!---Ed.]
George D. Barrier President, Barrier Engineering, Charlotte, NC- What a great source of information about Karl Terzaghi! You might be pleased to know that Terzaghi's 1950 paper in the Geol. Society of America (GSA) "Berkey Volume" is considered a "classic" by many engineering geologists. The paper "Mechanics of Landslides" appeared in the volume entitled "Applications of Geology to Engineering Practice" The book has had several printings by the GSA, and long has been required reading for engineering geologists.
It appears that this paper, although perhaps a "rehash" of slope stability concepts and case studies, well known to the engineering community, proved to be of great interest to the geologist. Now the many landslides and other mass-movements so-well mapped and described by the geologist, could be subject to quantitative analyses, even understood by a field geologist!! In any event, the paper was a wonderful "transfer of technology;" Terzaghi's concepts from the engineering to the geologic literature. And Terzaghi's paper appeared with a host of other now-classic papers, the topics of which include fault-activity assessment, movement of groundwater etc.
Thanks much for the K. Terzaghi information. I, as a practicing Quaternary geologist, am much appreciative for the historical perspective of this truly "Grand Man."
Roy J. Shlemon, Newport Beach, CA- Dear Mete Oner
You have a very cool site .. it definitely is the Mother of all Geotechnical Web sites!!
Joe Caliendo, Associate Professor, Utah State Univerity- I like your web page. I especially liked your list of "You may be an engineer if..." [You can see it here -- but don't forget to come back here afterwards! --Ed.]
Daniel Rodriguez, Engineer- I'm a geotech engineer from China, and glad to see your e-zine about our professional topics and studies. Hope you can give us more information.
Li Chung, China- Congratulations on your efforts to setup the EJGE. I believe that the literature investigations and reaching other people who work in Geotechnical area will now be much easier than it used to be.
Mustafa Aytekin, Ph.D, Trabzon/Turkey- From Bogota Colombia, here is a geotechnical engineer.
Its is great to have an electronic journal and I congratulate you.
Carlos Restrepo
Espinosa & Restrepo & Cia Partner - General manager- Dear Sir:
The electronic journal idea is great! I am glad to see the geotechnical engineering community taking the lead on this. However, I do have a couple of comments/questions.
1. When I am reading the papers, and say, get half way through one, and decide to go to a different one, it appears there is not an easy way to get back to the listing of papers. In other words, a button at the bottom of the page would be appreciated to take me back, instead of scrolling back through all the pages of the paper.
2. Do I have to down load each page to print the entire article (or print each page from my browser)?
David L. Manka, Sr. Staff Engineer, Woodward-Clyde International
Reply: It seems natural to make the upwards "EJGE" logo a clickable button to jump back to the EJGE "home page" or the Table of Contents page. We'll work on it. Thank you for the comment. On the second point, we looked for a printing utility, but can't find one. We'll consider making one ourselves if there is enough demand for it. Since it will have to be written from scratch it may be costly; in any case someone will have to pay for it. [--MO]- I am a geotechnical engineer and a new net user, I've enjoyed your page and your ideas. Looking forward to more connections in the near future.
Heinrich Heinz
Thurber Engineering, Calgary, Canada- An electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering is a great idea! As a practicing engineer, it will be much easier to search for information. Keep up the good work.
Ken Riner, Manager, Four Seasons Environmental- Finally stumbled across your Virtual Library; a very useful service. Once we get our act together, I'd like to see our server listed. The electronic Journal idea is interesting and I'll be watching to see how this works out.
Trevor Davies, U. Glasgow, UK- The okstate virtual library is great, you are doing an outstanding job,keep up the great work. The concept of the EJGE is great and it looks good too! Here in Cleveland we are just about to post our ASCE local section website. We will be including links to a few of the best web sites of interest to CEs. The virtual library and electronic journal will certainly be amoung them.
Regards and thanks,
Alan Esser,
EDP Consultants, Inc.- This is great. As a geotechnical engineer who surfes the net quite frequently, this place is going to be one of my favorite ones.When will the first "issue" be available? Keep up the excellent work.
Armando de la Rocha Phoenix, Arizona- The idea of an E journal is most exciting...video and audio should be included as that is one of the strengths of the web I would monitor this site frequently...why no consultants on editorial board?
David Andrews, P.E.
Senior Engineer, Dames & Moore- Let me say how keen I am about the EJGE. At last Geotechnical Engineering is among the first to try out something new. Good on you. Best wishes, and keep up the good work.
Ian Smith
Napier University, UK- Thank you for setting up a very interesting Web site on geotechnical engineering. I found it both helpful and interesting and will be sure to visit frequently.
Mark Gilbert, P.E.
Vice President, Lowney Associates, Geotechnial & Environmental Engineering Mountain View, CA- Dear Domain Administrator:
I would like to thank you for administering a great site which benefit all engineers and engineering firms.
Nabil Hmeidi
Gallet and Associates, Birmingham, Alabama- Great Page, it is cool to see that someone has set up a real information conduit on the web for the Geotechnical Engineer. I have already linked you to my Civil Engineering page and am looking forward to seeing how things work out!
Mike Laney
Staff Engineer, Kleinfelder- Congratulations on your GVL site. I even have a desktop shortcut so I can check the site every day. But... Last night (in a wintering Sydney 18 deg C) [It is July! Ed.] I noticed acouple of spelling errors [We fixed them, thank you Ed.]-- Spelling errors on the net are (almost) my favourite pet hate. You must pardon the difference between real English (ie Australian) and other forms (ie English or American). For instance, colour vs color or labour vs labor.
Thank you for your acknowledgement of my site. I have been working laterly on the teaching subjects side of things. But very soon I will post the LABORATORY PAGES - the "guts" of engineering. All data originates or is verified in the laboratory. But don't quote me, try these:
If you have that many friends, you don't have any.
You're standing too close to the ball, after you've hit it.
Lindsay O'Keeffe
School of Civil Engineering, The University of New South Wales- Congratulations on a fabulous www page for Geotechnical Engineering and further congrats on taking the lead to honour KvT!Cameran Mirza, P.E.
Senior Principal, Strata Engineering Corp., Don Mills, Ontario CANADA
For corrections, complaints, and praise, email to:
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