The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Meen-Wah Gui
Jean-Pierre Hamelin
Dr. Meen-Wah Gui is an assistant professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan. His areas of research include: laboratory testing of residual soils; field testing and characterization; modeling of slope stability, and soil-structure interaction problems. His areas of teaching interests include: soil mechanics, geotechnical engineering, soil dynamics and numerical modeling.
Contact Info:
Dr. Denzel M W Gui
Department of Civil Engineering
National Taipei University of Technology
No 1, Sec 3, ZhongXiao E Rd
Taipei, 10643
Tel: +886 955 154 891
Fax: + 886 2781 4518
E-mail: Hamelin is the Head of Advanced Technologies Department of Soletanche Bachy, and the Technical Manager of SOLDATA. His main research interests include: development of new construction processes for geotechnical engineering; application of information technologies to geotechnical construction sites (drilling, grouting, diaphragm walls, piling, etc); and instrumentation and monitoring construction sites.
Contact Info:
Jean-Pierre Hamelin
Soletanche-Bachy 6 rue Watford, 92000 Nanterre, France
Tel +33 1 47 76 57 50
Fax +33 1 49 06 97 34
E-mail :
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