The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

Bujang Bin Kim Huat

Bujang Bin Kim Huat

Author of
Response of Suction, Moisture and Temperature of Unsaturated Granitic Residual Soil to Rainfall
EJGE, Vol 10, 2005, Bundle C

Shear Strength Parameters of Unsaturated Tropical Residual Soils of Various Weathering Grade
EJGE, Vol 10, 2005, Bundle D

Dr Bujang Bin Kim Huat is a Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. He obtained his M.Sc. in Soils Mechanics from the Imperial College, London, and Ph.D. from the University of Manchester, UK. His special area of interest is in the field of tropical residual soil engineering, soft clay engineering, organic and peat soils engineering, and fundamental behavior of soils. He has authored and co-authored 17 books edited 9 conference proceedings and published over 80 journal and conference papers in field of soil mechanics and foundation engineering.

Contact Info:

Dr Bujang Bin Kim Huat
Civil Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia