To contribute to the validity of a laboratory-based experimental formulation proposed in the design of soil-covered concrete sheds, dynamic impacts have been numerically simulated with a three dimensional Discrete Element Method. The proposed numerical model shows the capability of the Discrete Element Method not only to be good at reproducing the experimental tests performed in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, but also to be used in a predictive manner.
Parametric studies were carried out to check the influence of local parameters. Doing so, it has been shown that the stiffness of the soil layer has a major effect on the transmitted impact force. In addition, to the use of basic elastic frictional behavior laws, a damping term must be added. Doing so, it has been seen that the influence of this damping term can dramatically change the numerical results and it must be used with caution. This study is a contribution to the founding of methods which determine the required dimensions of materials used for shock absorption when designing structures subjected to dynamic loadings.
Keywords: Discrete Elements Method, numerical modeling, rockfall, dynamic loading, rockshed
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