The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering

The current volume of the Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering includes the following papers. New papers will no longer be added to this bundle as it has been tied.

Go to Volume 8 [2003] Bundle D 9A

Table of Contents

Volume 9, 2004 — Bundle A

Paper available! Dead Sea Water as a Soil Improvement Agent

    Bassam Z. Mahasneh

Paper available! Development of an Instrumented Borehole Drilling System for Ground Investigation

    M. W. Gui and J. P. Hamelin

Paper available! Finite Element Analysis of Conical Shell Foundation

    D. K. Maharaj

Paper available! Three Dimensional Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis to Study the Effect of Raft and Pile Stiffness on the Load-Settlement Behaviour of Piled Raft Foundations

    D. K. Maharaj

Paper available! Development of Physical and Engineering Properties of Injected Sand with Latex - Superplasticized Grouts

    Costas A. Anagnostopoulos and Evangelos I. Stavridakis

Paper available! Understanding the Effects of Structure and Bonding in the Bringelly Shale

    Ezzat William

Paper available! Counterfort Retaining Walls under Earthquake Force

    Indrajit Chowdhury and Shambhu P. Dasgupta

Paper available! The Effect of Raft Size and Pile Length on Load-Settlement Behaviour of Axisymmetric Piled Raft Foundation

    Maharaj and Anshuman

9A Go to Volume 9 [2004] Bundle B


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